Film Two Wolves (2020) Subtitle Indonesia Streaming Movie Download




"Two Wolves" is a 2020 Australian drama film directed by Asitha Ameresekere and starring Elias Anton, Francesca Waters, and Gabriel Andrews. The film tells the story of a young teenager named Ben, who is struggling to cope with the recent loss of his father and is being bullied at school. Ben finds solace in the company of a stray dog he names Odin, who he believes is a wolf.

As Ben and Odin's bond grows stronger, Ben learns valuable lessons about responsibility, friendship, and courage. However, things take a dramatic turn when Ben's involvement in a reckless act of revenge against his bullies sets off a dangerous chain of events that could lead to devastating consequences.

The film explores themes of grief, loss, mental health, and the impact of bullying on young people. It has been praised for its heartfelt performances, beautiful cinematography, and poignant storytelling.

"Two Wolves" premiered at the 2020 Sydney Film Festival and has since screened at several international film festivals, including the Toronto International Film Festival and the Busan International Film Festival. The film has received critical acclaim and has been hailed as one of the best Australian films of 2020.


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